Thursday, January 15, 2015

Introduction: It's Jess!

It seems as though every time I introduce myself to people find the need to quote the television show "New Girl," so for all intense in purposes I am Jess.

I am into my final semester here at OU and will, hopefully, be graduating in May. For those of you not getting ready to graduate, here is the only way I know how to describe what it feels like: it feels as though I am standing on the edge of a cliff just waiting for a swift breeze to push me over. Definitely more scary than exciting. Kind of like waiting for my inevitable demise. I am a Communication major from Houston, Texas.  What else is there really? I could tell you about my not so great summer internship or what my favorite color is (it’s blue, by the way) or I could tell you more about who I actually am and the things I want to accomplish.

I am a person who likes to make lists, whether it is of the groceries I need, the reading and assignments I have to do, the places I want to eat, or the places I want to see before I kick the bucket (or graduate). So here I have decided to tell you some of my lists.

Travel. It has always been my dream, nay goal, to travel all around the world. I always said that I want to go to at least every continent, and yes that includes Antarctica. But there are so many other countries I want to visit than just one per continent, so here is my list of countries I would like to one day visit: Canada, Peru, Russia, Italy (again), Greece, Spain, England, Germany, Ireland, France, Egypt, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Brazil, Antarctica, Australia, Costa Rica, and New Zealand. 

Music. I love almost every type of music out there, all except for screamo. I like my traditional hip-hops and pops, as well as my Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin classics. Queen, Billy Joel, and Led Zeppelin are all great too. I even love classical music by Bach and Beethoven. However, several of my friends say that I have a very unique type of music as well, so here is my list of great bands/artists that are not up there with the rest: High Highs, Youngblood Hawke, Iron and Wine, Marble Sounds, Noah and the Whale, Fiest, Middle East, Freelance Whales, Bahamas, The Lumineers, Great Lake Swimmers, The Perishers, Two Door Cinema Club, The Civil Wars, and The Weepies.

That’s just a little bit about me. I’m funny and smart but I don’t always fit into the conventional box of what one would think based on their first appearance of me. I am who I am, and I is who I is.

Shel Silverstein Poem


  1. Jessica,

    While reading this I noticed that you and I have a lot in common! This is also my final semester at OU, but I am a Liberal Studies major. I can certainly relate to that feeling about graduating. When people ask, "Are you excited?" I'm like, "Hmmm…" Actually I'm over anticipating the difficulty of transitioning from school life to the world of work and financial stress. JOY! LOL.

    By the way, I'm from Midland, TX, and didn't ever spend much time in Houston but know that it is preferable to Midland ;) Oh, and my favorite color is turquoise, haha.

    I really should make myself write more lists. It would probably help with my anxiety about getting things done, and also help me to keep my chaotic ocean of thoughts laid out. List-making is a great thing.

    I, too, love to travel and hope to travel the world some day! I have been to Italy as well and would LOVE to go back. As far as your list goes, I've also been to Greece, Ireland and England; of those, Ireland is my favorite. I will say that in Greece (Athens in particular) I encountered a level of rudeness from men that I have never known, and I will probably not go back to Athens, if I ever return to Greece. But SANTORINI, my goodness, you must see that island when (not if) you go. Delphi is really neat too, but of course I am fascinated with oracles, so I found special interest there.

    And music…I never know where to start when someone asks me what kind of music I like. My favorite band is Florence + the machine, but the little girl in me still loves Evanescence, and the teen in me still loves TOOL, Incubus, Chevelle, Deftones and similar bands. But I also love The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Simon & Garfunkel etc. Your list of bands is very unique, as I have not heard of some of them.

    I hope you make it to all the place you want to see! It's nice to 'meet' you ;)

    - Morgan

  2. Hi Jess! This is also my last semester at OU and I have to say I feel the same way as you do, ready to get out of school but yes scary at the same time! I also love to travel, this fall I'm planning to go teach English in Korea and hopefully getting to explore other places as well. Europe is my ideal place to travel but I know for a fact I can't afford it at the moment. I will someday.You seem to have a wide range of different kind of music. I am also a big fan of old school hip-hop, Sunday night slow jams are my favorite. I am also a fan of The Lumineers and Two Door Cinema Club. We should share some music with each other someday. You seem to have really good taste!

  3. Hi Jess! I am only a sophomore at OU but my roommate is about to graduate and she is literally flipping out. But I know both of you will be just fine. Just the fact that you have a degree puts you miles ahead of those who don't. I make lists, literally all the time. So I totally understood where you are coming from. I read that you have been to Italy. That is where I want to go! I am minoring in Italian, because I first fell in love with the language and then the culture. I hope to travel there in the next two years. Good luck this semester!

  4. It's nice to get to meet you all over again in the Introduction here, Jess! The beginning of last semester seems such a long time ago, and I mostly remember people from their projects. For example, I did not remember that you were a Communication major! I wish I could arrange for us to all magically visit India as part of this class (and THAT would be awesome!!!) ... but in the absence of an actual trip, some imaginary travel is definitely possible, and I hope you will enjoy the India that you get to know from the epics this semester!!! :-)

  5. Hi Jess! I am also about to graduate in May, and the closer it gets, the more I start to feel like I'm not's definitely a scary, and exciting, moment! I am a big list-maker as well! My phone is filled with lists, my planner has lists scribbled everywhere, I have lists throughout the house...I just making lists for everything (it makes me feel more organized and in control, except I can't really make a list for graduation to feel more in control..). Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, and I think it would be great to travel to all the countries you have listed. I have been to a few of those countries, but I'd love to see the rest. Also, I love that you included a Shel Silverstein poem; I loved reading those poems when I was younger! :)

  6. Hello Jessica ! Nice to meet you! I totally understand your analogy. It is my last semester at OU and I feel like I really do not know what I will come up after graduation. Hopefully we can get a job or go further in education? Maybe it might be perfect time for you to go on the trip and visit different countries. I like making lists too because I tend to forget a lot of stuff. I hope we both Graduate in May and Good luck!

  7. Hi Jess! I am a senior too, but I am trying to go to med school so I more feel like I'm one more step closer to my dreams. I like to makes lists too! I feel like I would forget to do anything productive if I didn't have them. Music makes my world go round too. It's funny that you left out screamo. I rarely listen to it but it is a good way to let out some steam! It can be funny too. Well good luck with this semester and graduating!

  8. Hey Jess! I’m graduating in May as well, and I totally relate to your comparison to standing on a cliff. I’m absolutely terrified (and a little excited?) to graduate and enter the work force. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to find a job in publishing, but who knows. I also like making lists. I can’t function without making to do lists, grocery lists, packing lists, and the like. There’s just too much stuff to remember and I have to write it all down. Anyway, it’s great meeting you, and best wishes on your final semester!

  9. Hi Jess! Now I want to go binge-watch new girl on Netflix. Congratulations on graduating, best of luck on your next adventure. I can imagine how exciting/scary it is! What do you want to do with your degree, or have you decided? I can appreciate your need to make lists…sometimes I feel I have nothing together if I don’t have a list.

  10. Hello Jess!

    Congrats on graduating this semester, I hope you have some plans lined up for when the time finally comes, and you are able to get started on completing your lists. Your intro is short, sweet, and straight to the point, it's awesome! I love to make lists as well, and I'm definitely one of those who just LOVES to have something crossed off of it. Hope the semester has been going smoothly this far!

  11. Hey jess!
    I love New Girl, and immediately thought of the little intro just by your title. Congrats on graduating! It really is a scary time. I am still two years away from it all and I’m terrified of becoming a ‘grown-up’ and having a real job, but we can do it!
    I love that you have such a passion for travel. I have been all over Europe and It is absolutely wonderful. It’s an experience you can’t replace. I definitely feel everyone should take a little time to explore other countries. Good luck with your semester!

  12. When I clicked on your name to comment I found myself singing, “who’s that girl? It’s Jess!” Congrats on your final semester of college! But I agree I am also on my final semester and having to find a job is just about the scariest thing ever! Your cliff metaphor is perfect for how I am feeling right now. I hope all your travel dreams come true!

  13. Hi Jess! I love your New Girl reference, totally made me laugh. I absolutely love that you are so driven and you enjoy traveling. One thing I feel like we all should do in our lives is make the time to see the world. I find it really great that you have the ambition to do so, and I hope that you find something fun in Antartica!! I am also graduating this May as well, so I can definitely sympathize with exactly how you are feeling. I wish you all the best with everything! Good luck with the last few months of the semester!!

  14. Hi Jessica,

    Is that honestly how you feel about graduation? I mean, I feel great! Granted, I’m going on to continue my studies, but I’m glad to be done with this place. I also hope to be able to travel once I graduate; however, my list of countries to visit isn’t as exhaustive as yours. I hope that you find some tranquility here towards the end of the last semester of undergrad and beyond!

  15. Hey Jess! Nice to meet you! I am about to graduate and I feel exactly the same way you do. It is a very intense and exciting feeling. Its also scary not knowing what is going to come next in life but I am ready for the journey. I am also ready for the day to come when I don’t have to say I have school tomorrow! Good luck with everything after graduation!

  16. Hello Jessica! It has taken all the way to April to get in the same group with you, so this is my first visit to your page I believe! Congratulations on graduation next month! I'm sure that it is scary! I am nervous just thinking about out. I hope everything goes well for you. Maybe soon you will get to visit Antarctica!

  17. Hi Jess! I have not read your blog before and the semester is nearly over! It seems like we share a love of travel, you and I. I will actually be going to Costa Rica this summer to get my teaching certification for English as a Second Language and I am really thinking I will be struggling to get myself to leave the beach and do some studying for my exams while I am there! I hope you get to do a lot of traveling through the years!

  18. Hey Jess!

    I used to have bangs (and hair) like Zoeey Deschanel and would get New Girl comments too! Luckily I think most people like the show and think it is hilarious so at least we have that going for us.

    Love your list (I’m a big list person too). I think your country-list is fantastic; it looks very similar to mine.

    Led Zeppelin! Nice.

  19. Hi Jess.
    I love how you described yourself anticipating graduation. I definitely think it will be pretty scary. Wow your travel list is quite extensive, but that is definitely a good thing! I think we should experience a vast amount of different cultures. I love listening to Bach and Beethoven when I am trying to relax. I like the Poem you included. Good luck with what’s left of your semester.
