Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 5 Famous Last Words

Well, this week has been absolute hell. Being a senior and looking for out of state jobs while still in school is like trying to run a marathon on a path made of extra sticky glue, incredibly difficult, slow, but ultimately successful. Sometimes I just feel so incredibly split in my priorities that one or the other takes a hit. It is never on purpose, it just sort of happens.

Anyway, think week I had several interviews down in Houston, Texas, and some other very important things that needed to be taken care of. I would tell you all what happened, but I would rather keep all of that to myself. I do not mind ranting about being a senior and graduation, but some things much stay private, you know?

My other classes are going fairly well. I have to say that this online class is set up better than any other online class here at the University of Oklahoma. I am currently enrolled in one other online class and it is horrible. In this other class we have a huge paper that is due at the end of the year. The problem with this, however, is that the guidelines for it are all in differently places. Let me attempt to explain this phenomenon.

You go to do your assignment for Week A and it tells you what to do and then it say to look at Week C for more instructions on your final paper. So you go to Week C, only there are absolutely no guidelines for your paper anywhere in Week C. You then decide to go look at Week D and E, because maybe they will have some guidelines. Nope! Finally you go to the final week and there are a few, very vague, guidelines. And at the very bottom it telling you to go look at Week C for more information. I might just implode.  

Frustration (Source)

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