I understand that siblings don’t always get along, but my
brothers are complete assholes! Seriously!
Sun, Wind and I (I'm Moon!) were invited to dinner at our Aunt Lightning
and Uncle Thunder’s house. The boys and I were totally up for it! Free food,
right? So we went off to their house, leaving Mother home alone.
When we arrived at our aunt and uncle's, there were a bunch of
others there. Orion was there, Mr. Big and Mrs. Little Dipper were there, and
even Halley was there, in her flowing sparkly dress.
Well, I thought that my childish brothers would stay and
hang out with me, their little sister, but those selfish greedy boys ditched me
the second they laid eyes on Virgo and Libra. Of course they would ditch me for
“the ladies.” Yuck!
Aunt Lightning was so nice. She let me sit next to her and
some other girls at the head of the table, and then the great feast began. I
had never seen so much food in my life!
As I watched my brothers shove food into their mouths like
little pigs, obviously forgetting all of the table manners they had learned, I
thought about my poor mother. Even though she was one of the most beautiful
Stars in the sky, she was still home all by her lonesome. That was when I
decided that I would bring back some food for her.
Every time a plate from Aunt Lightning’s beautiful china set
was placed in front of me, I placed a small portion under one of my beautifully
pink polished finger-nails so I could bring some back to Mom.
Why Aunt Lightning was using her good china I will never
know. Seriously, those boys are a menace! But I digress.
Anyway, we got home and the three of us were completely
stuffed from dinner. I had no idea those boys could ever be full! So our
mother "all bright-eyed and smiling" asked us if we brought anything home for
My eldest brother, Sun, scoffed and said, “I didn’t bring
anything home for you. I went out to enjoy myself with friends – not to fetch
dinner for my mother!”
Then, my other brother Wind, the arrogant jerk he is, said,
“I didn’t bring you anything either, Mom. You could hardly expect me to bring
you back anything good when I merely went out for my own pleasure.”
I could tell Mom was getting upset. After all, she had
stayed up till the late hours alone to make sure that we were safe.
That’s when I stepped in. I told her to grab a plate and
when she brought it to me, I shook my hands so that all of the food I had
collected showered down in front of her. She looked so happy after I did that!
Unfortunately it did not last long.
My brothers, who had now started their stupid shenanigans,
had no idea what they were in for!
Mom whipped her head around and glared at Sun. She took a
deep breath and said, “Because you went out to amuse yourself with your
friends, and feasted and enjoyed yourself, without any thought of your mother
at home – you shall be cursed. Henceforth, your rays shall every be hot and
scorching, and shall burn all that they touch. And men shall hate you, and
cover their heads when you appear.”
My brother had the audacity to look shocked. I mean he had it
coming. He knew better than to push Mom like that. But that is why Sun is so
hot to this day. It makes it difficult to see him sometimes.
Then Mother slowly turned her head and looked at Wind. With
a look on her face so terrifying it would make the bravest man run in fear, she
said, “You who also forgot your mother in the midst of your selfish
pleasures—hear your doom! You shall always blow in the hot dry weather, and
shall parch and shrivel all living things. And men shall detest and avoid you
from this very time.”
The look on Wind’s face was absolutely priceless! It took
everything inside of me to hold back my laughter. But that is why Wind is so
disagreeable, even in hot weather.
Suddenly Mom turned around and looked at me. I was afraid,
for myself. I was the good kid; I had done nothing wrong. Why was she looking
at me?
The look of anger fell from her face, and in its place was a
warm, kind smile. Then she said to me, “Daughter, because you remembered your
mother, and kept for her a share in your own enjoyment, from henceforth, you
shall be ever cool, and calm, and bright. No noxious glare shall accompany your
pure rays, and men shall always call you ‘blessed’.”
I could feel her love for me with every word she spoke. I
always knew I was her favorite. And that is why I, Moon, have a light that is
so soft, and cool, and beautiful, even to this day.
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The bright side of the Moon (Source) |
Author's Note. I chose to do my storytelling from the story How the Sun, Moon, and Wind Went Out to Dinner. In the story the Sun, Moon, and Wind go to a
great feast at their aunt and uncles, leaving their mother (who is a distant
Star) home alone. When the three of them return, neither the Sun nor the Wind
brought anything back to the Star, but the Moon had saved some food for her
mother. Due to their actions, the Star decides to curse the Sun and the Wind
and gift the Moon, this giving them the characteristics that we know of them:
the sun being extremely hot, the wind being horrible, and the moon being calm
and beautiful. Keeping the wording from the mother's curse and blessing the same from the original story allowed my retelling to have some of the same feel as the original, thus keeping to the same basic frame of the story. It also allowed for a more dramatic contrast between the mother's way of speaking and her children's, thus demonstrating that the mother is older and more sophisticated.
I chose to write the story from the Moon’s perspective
because I thought that playing off of sibling competition would add a fun
element to the story. We are able to see motherhood, and how mothers reward and
punish their children, in the original story, but hearing it from the daughter’s
perspective gives the story more life and a humor. I added more details, like the zodiac stars (Libra and Virgo), constellation names (Orion), the description of Moon's nails, and the overall dinner party. I
believe that the added elements of humanity demonstrated through each character's specific personality made the story seem more life-like.
Bibliography. Indian Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1912).
I have not read the original tale, but you did an excellent job in rewriting and retelling to your audience! I am always a fan of stories that explain how things are the way we know them today, and it's always fun to compare them among different ethnicities. Telling the story from the Moon's perspective made the tale very personable, and I enjoyed it until the very end! Good work!
ReplyDeleteJess, wow wow wow! I loved this! The details were so vivid and the way you described it made it sound modern yet had a mythical storytelling aspect to it as well! I did not really get why the sons were named sun and wind at first but after I got through the rest of the story I understood and really enjoyed it. This was a beautiful rendition and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Good job!
ReplyDeleteHey Jess!
ReplyDeleteI am glad that I got assigned to do project comments on your portfolio this week, because I read your story last week and really enjoyed it! I really like the original story that is in the Indian Fairy Tales unit. You did a great job rewriting it! You really added a lot of color to the story, and I like how you wrote from the Moon's perspective in this story. She is so sassy, and I like it!
One grammar thing I noticed was that you accidentally wrote "shock" instead of shocked in the 16th paragraph. Easy fix!
I am really glad that I had already read the original story from the UnTextbook unit, and I hope that others will do the same, so that they can see how you spiced this one up! Overall, great writing and a great story. I look forward to reading the rest of your stuff!
Jess, I liked how you decided to tell this story from Moon’s perspective, who is a young woman or maybe even a teenager. You gave her a personality of being completely annoyed with her selfish older brothers. However, you also show her as a caring person who keeps her mother in mind. As I’m reading this, I thought it was a great choice to have Moon be a female and Sun and Wind be males. I don’t think that in the original story, these characters are given gender. If not, I think that you did a great job with this because females are usually more sensitive and caring especially towards their mothers. Overall, I didn’t find any major mistakes. It was a great update on this story.
ReplyDeleteFor your site, I think that everything looked great and was very easy to read and maneuver. If I had to suggest one thing, I wished that the font size of your Author’s Note was a little bigger. It was just a little hard to read.
ReplyDeletethis was such a fun, little story! The flow was nice, and the description of the dinner was good. I think the story could benefit from adding more description to the mother. Perhaps add some dialogue to the kids being invited to their Aunt and Uncle's house for dinner and what the mom would say. That way her punishment of the boys' doesn't portray her as mean or bitter. She's just teaching them a lesson! I liked that you used some of the original wording or phrases from the story! I think telling it from the mother's perspective could have also been a good way to go!
"Henceforth, your rays shall every be hot..." - "Henceforth, your rays shall ever be hot..."
"I mean he had it coming." - "I mean, he had it coming."
"You who also forgot your mother in the midst of your selfish pleasures—hear your doom!" - "You, who also forgot your mother in the midst of your selfish pleasure, - hear your doom!" There needs to be comma separating that phrase because it is a relative clause!
"...hot dry weather..." - "...hot, dry weather..." There needs to be a comma separating two adjectives!
"I was afraid, for myself." - kind of an awkward sentence! Maybe try something like "I was afraid of what she would say to me." or "I was anxious about what my punishment would be".
I love love love this story Jess! It is very comical and is super refreshing to read at the end of a dreadfully long week at work.
ReplyDeleteI am not familiar with the original version of this tale, but in your Author's note you have done very well in explaining it and detailing the additions that you have made to make it your own story.
Overall, the story flows very well and the dialogue is great. I really enjoyed your twist with the sibling rivalry/competition aspect. I do wish there was a little more background on the mother. Her character comes off as a little selfish for expecting her children to bring her something back from the dinner. Perhaps, if you added something like the mother being ill or another reason why she wasn't able to attend, then it would give off the idea that the children should all be thinking of a way to bring something back for their mother.
I did not notice many grammatical errors, but one thing that I noticed (and this is probably just a preference on my part, not really an error of sorts) was for most of the story you referred to star as Mother, but in a few places you switched it to just Mom. I think it would flow a bit better if you consistently used Mother, or only use Mom when the brothers are speaking because it could be portrayed as them not having a higher level of respect for their mother as the Moon does.
Great job!
Hey Jessica! This story is great! I am not familiar with this particular story, but reading yours makes me want to look at the original. I love how great of a job you did giving humanlike characteristics to the moon, wind, sun and stars. Writing the story from the moons perspective was the perfect choice in my opinion because she had the kindest heart and best shows the sibling rivalry from a less biased point of view. The sun or wind would have been too preoccupied with themselves to even notice the behavior of anyone else! Your use of details was excellent, and gave a great image of the scene of the dinner party. It must have been incredibly beautiful with all of those stars in attendance.
ReplyDeleteOverall this story had a great flow to it. It was very easy to read and had very few errors. I did notice one towards the end where the Star curses the Sun saying "Henceforth, your rays shall every be hot and scorching..." I think you meant to say ever instead of every! Besides that the story was excellent! Great job!
Hi Jessica!
ReplyDeleteTo begin, I’d just like to say that I love how you wrote over an origin story! I love how different cultures (aside from the US) have origin stories depicting how natural elements of the earth came to be. It was really cute how you wrote from the point of view from the moon, it gives a completely different perspective than any stories I’ve read thus far! The way you included consollations and different stars as the names of people at the dinner party was very original. Also, I like how you made the moon the little sister of the two boys and how they gross her out by talking to girls. Typical little sister!! It was awesome how the mother punished the two older sons and cursed them with the blazing rays and parched winds. Cool, calm and bright was a really cute way to describe the moon. It is true how whenever we are outside at night and the moon is visible, we gawk at it’s beauty! Your story was very well written and very original. Great job!!
If you haven’t noticed I love your style of writing and I catch myself coming back to your blog for project comments just to see what new things you have done. Admitting that makes me sound creepy! Sorry. Anyways. I loved this story. Its not one that I had read. Truth…siblings don’t always get along. This story was easy to relate too! You really put those sibling rivalry details in and it totally makes the story. The little bits of humor whether intentional or unintentional were great as well! Also I think Aunt Lightning is my favorite. Also that he saved some for his mom…precious!! I’m not the best at proof reading so I am skipping that part! Overall great job, again you have a knack for storytelling. Great Job, keep up the good work. Best of luck on the rest of the semester!!! We have almost made it!
ReplyDeleteHey Jessica! This is great!! I absolutely love sibling rivalry so this was even more intriguing to me and I enjoyed every word! Your style of writing is nice too and being someone with siblings I have love-hate relationships with and fight with constantly, I can totally relate to this story. I love the funny bits that you added. I've actually heard a story from my mom when I was little that was similar to this so i loved reading this, it brought back some good memories. Also, love your background! The pink wallpaper is legit! Anyhow, keep up the good work! I can't wait to see more from you!
ReplyDeleteHey Jess! Congrats on getting nominated for favorite portfolio! I actually came back to this story because I really loved it the first time, I thought I'd comment on it again. I think you did really well with the characters and enjoyed seeing this from Moon's perspective. Being the eldest sibling in my family, I probably play the part that the older brothers did in your story so its interesting to get the perspective of the youngest child. I haven't actually read this story but I really would like to go back and read it now that I've read yours. You did a wonderful job with each character and you barely had any grammatical mistakes. All in all, great work! I'm glad you posted this in your portfolio! :)