Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 11 Famous Last Words

I would be understating it if I were to say that this week has been hectic. The business and stress have been absolutely insane. This week I actually had to drive all the way down to Dallas, Texas right after one of my classes so that I could go to a job interview the next morning. Then after the interview I had to quickly change so that I could drive all the way back up here to Norman. I basically drove to Dallas and back in about twenty-four hours!!! How crazy is that? And because of all this craziness of classes and projects and presentations and job interviews, my body has literally been running on empty so at this point I am just crashing. I literally feel asleep for about five minutes while I was typing this! I just feel as though I need a break from things. I have been trying to get ahead of everything, but some how that has backfired as well. I honestly think that I just need an entire day to sleep and then maybe my body will restart itself, kind of like a reboot button.

Anyway, Easter was pretty nice yesterday. On Saturday one of my closest girl friends and I went on an Easter egg hunt around our apartment complex. I am pretty sure the entire thing was rigged and the majority of the residents cheated. I got bored and at one point found a bunch of Cards Against Humanity cards scattered all around the back of the complex. It was practically an entire box! So she and I decided to pick them up and pair them together and leave them on the little clips outside of peoples front doors. It was really funny and a really nice way to spend some time with a good friend.

 Ukrainian Easter Eggs (Source

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