Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 15: College Writing Review

As a communication major, I generally have to do a lot of writing. Unfortunately the writing for those classes are absolutely pointless, degrading, and robotic. There are almost always tricks or rules that the professors want us to use but never tell us. I cannot tell you the amount of times I followed the instructions to the letter, and then got a lower grade than I was expecting because I "did not include" something they wanted. Even though what they wanted me to include was not in the instructions.

I definitely like this class and Mythology and Folklore a whole lot more! I actually think that these two classes have improved my writing and opened a door to new experiences and hobbies I would have never been interested in trying. I definitely think that all writing should encompass an element of creativity, and it is a shame when you are not allowed to.

Letter (Source)

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